Looking for a General Practitioner in Groningen?

We think it is essential to provide good quality of care to our patients. This requires that we can provide them sufficient time and attention, thereby limiting the number of patients that we as a practice can accept.

About Academic GP Practice Groningen

Our GP practice is situated at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), entrance 47 on Oostersingel. We have 8 GPs at our practice, supported by several assistants and nurse practitioners. The GP with whom you are registered, will be your regular GP.

When you enter through the revolving door, walk straight through the hall and you will find our practice on the right (location 1).

Phone: (050) 361 50 20

Prescription line: (050) 361 50 23

General practitioners

Name BIG-number
Mrs. A. Schokkenbroek 79911209801
Mr. F.A. Saïd 09058480001
Mrs. N. van den Broek 19046587501
Mrs. L. A Wolthuis 49051205101
Mrs. Y.S.P. van der Sluis - Rahardjo 59925725701
Mrs. E. de Lange 19048144201
Mr. T.H.N. Rinkes 19916703001
Mrs. J. L. van der Velde 29909384501

Appointments and consultations

We are open every working day from 8 am to 5 pm and can be reached by phone, also during holiday periods. In case of an emergency after hours and during the weekends, you can call the Groningen Doktersdienst at 0900-9229.

You can make appointments between 8 am and 12 pm (noon). An appointment with your GP will take between 10 and 20 minutes. If you have several complaints or questions, let us know and we will schedule more time for you. Call us for test results between 1 pm and 5 pm.

Home visits

In some cases, it may be necessary for the GP to visit you at home. If you would like the GP to visit you on the same day, please make an appointment before 10 am.

Consultations by phone

For a quick consultation, you can use our telephone consultation hour. Please call before 10.30 am to make an appointment. The GP will then call you back later in the day.

More information about healt topics and health care in the Netherlands

At GPinfo.nl you can find reliable and up-to-date information about health topics and healthcare in the Netherlands. It is the English version of Thuisarts.nl, an independent website in Dutch for health information, developed and maintained by the Dutch College of GPs.